15 noviembre 2010
One Direction
Ellos son One Direction una boy band Britanica que participo en el programa The X Factor, aun que yo creo que tuvieron otras actuaciones mejores, puse esta por que me fascinan los niños con maquillaje en los ojos....
They are One Direction a boy band from the tv show The X Factor, I think they had better performances than this one, I'm posting this because what can I say, I'm a total sucker for boys wearing eye make-up...
Marco Cupo
Este niño Argentino se llama Marco Cupo, no se su edad, pero si se que vive en Buenos Aires, y es amigo de este otro que ya habiamos publicado aqui...
This Argentinian boi name is Marco Cupo, I don't know his age but I know that he lives in Buenos Aires and is friend with this other boi that had been featured here...
Mike in HD (blog) (x)
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