17 enero 2011

Connor Paolo

Bueno este bello actor tiene 20 años y se llama Connor Paolo, ha salido en varias series de television y peliculas, entre las que destacan, Alejandro, Río Místico y World Trade Center...
Well this handsome actor is 20 yo, and his name is Connor Paolo, he has been in several tv series and movies amog them Alexander, Mystic River and World Trade Center...

Project Pretty Boy (Blog)

Visiten este maravilloso Blog....
Visit this wonderful Blog...

Daniel Pino

Bueno ya había aparecido aquí, ahora tiene 23 años y ademas de modelo, es estilista y director de arte,dice que el estudia,vive, respira y adoran todo lo relacionado con la moda...
He had been featured here, now he's 23 and besides being a model he is a stylist and art director, he says that he studies, lives, breath and adores everything related to Fashion...