01 junio 2010

Vean este comercial

Viendo Vera´s big gay blog me encontre este comercial y me fascino:


No se si es el niño, la voz, el frances o que pero esta genial, lastima no subtitulos en Español...

Browsing in Vera's big gay blog I watched this ad and I loved it; I do not know if it was the boi, his voice, the french or what but it's excellent...

2 comentarios:

boibuff dijo...

That commercial was awesome!!!! and your right, that would never be played here in America. Too bad most of America is still in the "dark ages" and self riteous.

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

I think America is like the legend of the ostrich with their head in the sand, that way you do not see anything that scare you...