21 junio 2010

Raul Roxas

Este niño se llama Raul Roxas y vive en Cataluña, España no tengo más información más que a veces firma sus posts como Shido Inuzuka...
This boi name is Raul Roxas and lives in Cataluña, Spain, I do not have any more information besides that sometimes he signs his posts as Shido Inuzuka...

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hes very cute!

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

Bambi eyes, dark hair mmmmm!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Bambi eyes? What does it means?xD Thanks for this :)

Anónimo dijo...

Bambi eyes? What does it means?xD Thanks for this :)

Anónimo dijo...

Let me try to explain while the blog owner is out, hunting for beauties. Bambi eyes are big and beautiful eyes, brown ones preferred, but thats not a must. See, here's Bambi:
...and here is a bambi-eyed boy:
Raul Roxas has lovely Bambi eyes too.
Hope I could help ;)