02 septiembre 2010


Kyle Jammeson es su nombre, tiene 16 años y vive en Charleston, S.C. USA; le gustaría ser modelo aun que se define como corto de estatura, es de Ascendencia koreana, escocesa, e irlandesa, y se define como pansexual o sea que saldría con cualquier persona que el este interesado sin importar su sexo aunque no ha salido con hombres todavia...
Kyle Jammson is his name, is 16 and lives in Charleston S.C., USA; HE would like to become a model even tough he calls himself quite the short one, he's Korean, Scottish and Irish and defines himself as a pansexual, so he would date anybody he's interested in regardless of the gender of the person, but has no dated a boi yet...

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

He has great hair and generally looks lovely!

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

He's a cute one , isn't he???