17 enero 2011

Project Pretty Boy (Blog)

Visiten este maravilloso Blog....
Visit this wonderful Blog...

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hey man, thanks for the tribute

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

It's well deserved....

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

By the way do you remember the name of the boy in the first picture???

Anónimo dijo...

no, do you?

Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

I used to have his Hi5 page with the first two pictures of the series you published, he was canadian, but I do not remember his name...

Anónimo dijo...

okey dokey then, thanks

Anónimo dijo...

trying my damndest to bring "project pretty boy" back, but having little luck. don't want to start from scratch. Be careful, blogger is thirsty, give some thought about moving to tumblr or wordpress, before they kill this cool blog too


Niño de mis Ojos dijo...

Yeah they have begun again, of the three blogs they deleted that I had in my blogroll, two of tem did not had any porn, the problem is that word press have become as prudish, what did blogger told you as a reason for close your blog???